
We Are Seven is a one-woman art studio currently producing books, comics, and graphic novels. This blog chronicles my progress.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear neglected blog,

Thank you for waiting for me. I've been very busy lately, but I finally have something new and exciting to show you.

It's a book. Yes, a collection of short stories set to be published in December 2012.

That is, if I can get it funded. I'm hoping once I launch the Kickstarter page, and people read the sample chapter, I'll get some online support. Or at least some financial support from relatives. So far I don't have any fans, and no one I know of follows any of this.

But to be honest, right now, I'm kind of down about it. I love this project so dearly, and I've been so excited about it. But now, on the eve of its launch, I feel a little disheartened. Except for two people (one of whom I've never met in person), none of my friends or family seem to share any of my excitement. They don't seem very interested in it at all. Which would normally be okay, but I'm looking forward to having no one with whom to celebrate, save my grandmother, and I don't know why.

The people who read it say they like it (or love it, depending on which you ask), and I'm pleased with it (which is saying something. I wouldn't post or publish something I'd be embarrassed of). Maybe it's just the people I hang with. I'm so afraid of becoming that "artist" who can't write worth a crap but is always publishing and trying to push her new 'creative endeavor.' So I don't push it on the people I know personally. One refusal to read it is enough.

So, off to cyberspace, where I'll hopefully find people who enjoy what I write.

For now, I'll be breaking the champagne bottle by myself.

[ /angst]